Birding In Alaska - 7 Spots For Seeing These Winged Wonders

Birding In Alaska

Alaska is an exceptional locale for birdwatching. It features diverse habitats – from tundras to forests to fjords to coastal regions – that attract a vast assortment of bird species. With 534 documented species, Alaska chalks up the most bird breeds in the United States. Whether you’re an experienced bird nerd or a curious newbie, birdwatching in Alaska is for everyone.

These tips can help you get the best out of your wilderness birding adventures:

  • Bring a good pair of binoculars and a spotting scope to help see details

  • Carry an Alaskan bird field guide

  • Consider taking a guided birdwatching tour. Guides on Alaska birding tours are familiar with the area and can help spot uncommon birds

  • Birdwatch during the spring and summer. These are ideal seasons to observe migratory birds returning from their wintering habitats

Alaska is a special place where rugged, foreboding-looking terrain actually supports vibrant life. This includes thousands of birds, which makes it an ideal spot for watching awesome avians.

Alaska may look like a barren wilderness, but it’s actually brimming with life. Birds are one of the many species flourishing in the state. If you want to see them up close and personal – or through a trusty pair of binoculars – these are seven of the best birding hotspots in Alaska.


1) Take Wing With Us On An Alaskan Birdwatching Tour!

Calling all birdwatchers! Spread your wings and join Hoonah Travel Adventures for the exciting Chichagof Island Birding and Nature Adventure! Led by guides who are genuine naturalists, the fascinating walking tour through the Tongass National Forest will reveal the best birding in Alaska.

During the three-and-a-half-hour trek, you’ll find yourself gasping at eagles, pigeon guillemots, chickadees, warblers, ducks, seabirds….and maybe even a brown bear! Intrigued? Then contact us and book your Alaska bird watching experience today!

Western Tanager - Chichagof Island - Birding In Alaska


2) Pristine Kenai Fjords National Park

Kenai Fjords National Park is a ruggedly beautiful, 600,000-acre stretch of untainted wilderness outside the harbor town of Seward. Encompassing jagged coastlines and majestic, glacier-topped summits, it was deemed a Protected National Park in 1980. It is also an Important Bird Area, as designated by the Audubon Society.

One-hundred ninety-one bird species have been documented in Kenai Fjords. It’s an excellent birding hotspot with a rich blend of marine and coastal environments that draw a wide range of bird breeds.

Kenai Fjords offers some of the best Alaska bird watching, with a wide variety of birds including:


Horned And Tufted Puffins

Kenai’s rocky cliffs are a haven for horned and tufted puffins. You may also be able to see puffins in areas of the park such as Holgate Glacier and Aialik Bay. These endearing, migratory birds are nicknamed “clowns of the sea” for their neon orange beaks and feet and awkwardness on land. Puffins can impressively pursue their prey to depths up to 200 feet.




In shrub and forested sections of the national park, you may be treated to the sights and serenades of songbirds including the golden-crowned kinglet, Arctic warbler and fox sparrows.



Rocky outcrops and sheer cliffs serve as seabird nesting sites for North American waterfowl, including kittiwakes and raucous common murres. They form seabird colonies, which are large groups of birds that breed and nest together. These colonies can number in the thousands.


Willow Ptarmigan

Alaska’s state bird, the willow ptarmigan is exceptionally well-adapted to the Alaskan seasons. Their plumage changes from drab brown in the summer to snowy white in the winter, allowing them to seasonally meld with their surroundings. These chameleon-like shifts can make the bird difficult – but not impossible – to spot.

Bird Species In Alaska - Willow Ptarmigan


Golden Eagles

Large, nimble and lightning fast, golden eagles are raptors (meat-eating birds) that have amazing hunting prowess. Watch them drifting above and then nose-diving for prey. These gorgeous birds will eat small animals such as rabbits, but have been known to take on large livestock including sheep. You’ll have the best chance of seeing these awe-inspiring animals in more rugged areas of Kenai Fjords.


Bald Eagles

Would your heart race at the sight of 10 eagles in a tree? What about several thousand along a tight six-miles of roadway? That’s exactly the phenomenon that will greet you during the Alaska Bald Eagle Festival in Haines.

Held the second week of November, the festival celebrates the largest gathering of eagles in the country. You’ll behold the astonishing sight of 2,000 to 4,000 bald eagles swooping down on the Chilkat River to feast on the late salmon run.

You can also enjoy live music, guided hikes, live raptor demonstrations, educational programs and other festivities with hundreds of other eagle groupies.

Fun fact: The bald eagle’s name isn’t exactly accurate. The moniker actually comes from the Old English word “balde,” meaning white.

Species Of Birds In Alaska - Bald Eagles


3) Scenic Glacier Bay National Park

Located in southeast Alaska west of Juneau, Glacier Bay National Park is a treasure trove of majestic, snow-topped mountains, unspoiled coastline, flourishing wildlife and dramatic glaciers. The national park is embellished with over 30 glaciers. One of the most spectacular and accessible is Margerie Glacier.

Glacier Bay’s varied ecosystems make is a prime spot for birding and wildlife viewing in Alaska. Keep an eye out for a mesmerizing assortment of bird species including:

  • Emperor goose – 80 to 90 percent of emperor geese breed along Alaska’s western coast

  • Snowy owls – In certain areas of Alaska, under strict conditions, it’s legal to hunt snowy owls

  • Rufous hummingbird – These pint-sized powerhouses are a migratory species that arrive in March, nest and leave in mid-August

  • Northern hawk owl – A thrill for birdwatchers seeking a close-up view, the northern hawk owl is bold and doesn’t fear humans

Pro tip: The park’s weather is very volatile, so consider wearing a hat, gloves, rain gear, waterproof footwear and dressing in layers made of wool or synthetic material. Also, keep in mind that the region is bear and moose territory, so be sure to take safety precautions.

Emperor Goose In Alaska


4) Awe-Inspiring Denali National Park

Located in central Alaska, Denali National Park is a vast, panoramic wilderness region. It showcases breathtaking, scenic views, abundant wildlife and the colossal Denali peak (formerly Mt. McKinley), the highest summit in North America.

It towers above six million acres of wilderness and is one of Alaska’s best spots for sighting many bird species. Look for Arctic warblers, gyrfalcons, northern shrikes and boreal chickadees. You may even spy rare birds including the boreal owl, white-tailed ptarmigan and rusty blackbird.

Unlike other national parks, a single, 90-mile road leads into Denali. However, vehicles are only permitted to drive the first 15 miles. Hop on a shuttle bus, and you can go beyond that point. Try trails near the entrance, including Mount Healy Overlook and Horseshoe Trail, and view exceptional birds including the three-toed woodpecker, trumpeter swan and white-winged crossbill.

Good to know: Like Glacier Bay Park, Denali’s weather can unpredictably fluctuate, so prepare for these shifts.

Bird Watching In Alaska - Arctic Warblers


5) Vast Bering Sea

Covering a vast 890,000 square miles, the Bering Sea is one of the largest in the world. It’s bordered by Alaska to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Russian Far East to the west. Its summers are somewhat cool, but its winters are brutal, with thick ice and heavy snowfall.

The Bering Sea is an exceptional place for the best Alaska birdwatching. A jaw-dropping 40 to 50 million seabirds descend upon it in the summer to breed and raise their babies.

Excellent birdwatching areas in Bering include:


St. Lawrence Island

164 miles west of Nome lies St. Lawrence Island, the sixth largest island in the United States. It’s populated by approximately 1,400 people who live in the northern coastal villages of Savoonga and Gambell. Nesting birds such as puffins, loons, eiders and murres are plentiful there.

If you’re seeking hard-to-find birds, visit Gambell, the town is home to many rare birds, including the gray-streaked flycatcher, red-throated pipit, Pacific swift and white wagtail. Their rarity can add to the thrill of spotting them.

Pro tip: Before you go on birding trips in Gambell, consider the climate. It tends to be windy and wet, and its winters are merciless, with temperatures plunging to -20 degrees.


Pribilof Islands

The Pribilof Islands, located 200 miles north of Unalaska, are a birder’s utopia. Two-hundred forty bird species live there, and approximately two million seabirds nest there yearly.


Bering Land Bridge National Preserve

Serious birdwatchers will want to add the Bering Land Bridge National Preserve to their bucket list. Located on the vast, remote Seward Peninsula, it supports 21 major bird habitats where the avians live, breed, migrate or winter over.

Spring and summer offer plenty of drama: More than 200 species migrate through the area, and thousands start staging for their fall migration.

Fun fact: A particularly impressive National Preserve inhabitant is the Arctic tern. This athletic avian migrates over 44,000 miles a year. In its lifetime, which can be more than 30 years, it flies a distance equivalent to three round trips to the moon.

Bird Sightings In Alaska - Puffins - St Paul Island


6) Magnificent Copper River Delta

Copper River Delta is one of the most important habitats in the world for migrating shorebirds. Its 35-mile-wide wetlands are a crucial stopover point for millions of the Pacific Flyway’s migratory birds. The Pacific Flyway is one of four major North American bird migration routes (the Atlantic, Mississippi, Pacific and Central), described as avian superhighways.

For spectacular birdwatching, visit Copper River from late April through mid-May, as millions of birds descend for their migratory stopover. Amazingly, the flocks can sometimes reach a quarter million birds per square mile.

Migratory Birds In Alaska


7) The Untamed Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Uniquely located at the northern end of all four North American flyways, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge harbors more than 200 species. Most are migratory and come from six continents and all 50 states. However, some, like the snowy owl, are year-round residents.

As large as South Carolina and embodying vast, stark beauty, the national wildlife refuge offers countless birdwatching opportunities. You may be treated to sightings of a rich array of birds including:

  • Snow goose

  • King eider

  • Spruce grouse

  • Alder flycatcher

  • Snow bunting

Pro tip: Keep in mind that the refuge lacks roads, established trails, food and facilities. There are no Alaska birding tours in ANWR. Self-reliance, survival skills and careful preparation are a must.

Birding In Alaska - Snow Bunting


Join Us For A Birdwatching Adventure You’ll Never Forget!

Hoonah Travel Adventures takes birdwatching to an entirely new level in the rugged grandeur of Alaska. From teensy hummingbirds to magnificent eagles, a world of extraordinary avians will open up before you.

Look for your favorite bird, or just enjoy whatever flies your way. You may even glimpse a bear or two! Don’t wait any longer – book your Chichagof Island Birding and Nature Adventure now!

3 hours
Group Size
Up to 30

Guaranteed Whale Watching in the Icy Strait Point, Alaska Area - LEO, Military, Teacher Discount!

Our Hoonah whale watching tour begins when we pick you up at the Icy Strait Point Excursions Hub. We drive along Shaman Point to the Hoonah City Harbor where our charter boat is waiting. Along the way, you may spot some of our local wildlife, including bald eagles, blacktail deer, and more. Hoonah is home to the largest concentration of Alaskan brown bears in the world, so keep your eyes open!

We then board the boat and leave Hoonah Harbor. While traveling along the shorelines, sightings of bears, deer, coastal ducks and geese, blue heron, puffin, terns, cormorants, and more are common. In the water, you may get a chance to spot humpbacks, orca, sea otters, sea lions, porpoises, and seals.

Large numbers of humpback whales come to Hoonah to feed in the nutrient-rich waters of Point Adolphus, Glacier Bay and Icy Strait every summer before migrating south again in the winter. The whale population begins to arrive in Hoonah in May and stays through September. Humpback whales are large baleen whales that can reach over 50 feet in length and weigh as much as 50 tons. They are most famous for their whale songs, thought to be used by males as a mating call. Humpbacks are amazingly active and typical whale sightings include diving, blows, and flukes (tails). Lucky whale watchers may get to see breaching or bubble-net feeding, a cooperative feeding method where a pod forms a circle and dives under the water. They blow air to create a wall of bubbles that force krill and plankton to the surface where the whales can eat them. Observing humpbacks practice bubble-net feeding is a real treat and a truly thrilling experience. We have a $100 whale sighting guarantee! If a whale is not sighted on your tour your will be credited $100.

78 Reviews verify
3 hours
Group Size
Up to 10

Wilderness Tour and Brown Bear Search - LEO, Military, Teacher Discount!

Chichagof Island, or Shee Kaax, is an island in the Alexander Archipelago of the Alaska Panhandle. At 75 miles long and 50 miles wide, it has a land area of 2,048.61 square miles, making it the fifth largest island in the United States. Chichagof Island has the highest population of bears per square mile of any place on Earth and its dense rain forests are some of the last grizzly strongholds!

The community of Hoonah, with a year-round population of approximately 750, is located in the northern part of Chichagof Island. The vast majority of the island is made up of pure, uninhabited Alaskan wilderness teeming with wildlife! The Ursus arctos, or brown bear, is the king of the forest, but Sitka black-tail deer, bald eagles, minks, martens, beavers, ducks, and seabirds thrive on the island and are sometimes spotted on this tour.

This Alaskan wilderness and bear search tour is only offered May through September because those are the months that afford the highest probability of bear sightings. In late April and May, the bears are coming out of hibernation and looking for food. In June, the bears are mating and eating grasses on the tidal flats. Older males fight each other for dominance and mating rights with the females, who at times are not receptive and force the male to give chase.

In July, the salmon start their migration from the ocean up the rivers and we find the bears feeding in coastal rivers and streams. In August and September, the salmon have made it further up the rivers to shallow streams where the bears chase them.

Depending on the month and the weather, the wildlife can be found in different locations throughout the island. Your guide spends a lot of time in the forest and knows where to look.

Join us as we search for these amazing creatures!

This tour is located on the Tongass National Forest under special use permit from the Forest Service, USDA.
Hoonah Travel Adventures LLC is an equal opportunity provider.

14 Reviews verify
3 hours
Group Size
Up to 6

Icy Strait Fishing Adventure

Fishermen come from around the world to cast their lines in the waters of Southeast Alaska in search of halibut and salmon. Join the ranks of these traveling fisherman and book a trip with us today!

On 02/03/2025 NOAA Fisheries released its 2025 regulations for halibut fishing, and there are some key changes affecting charter operations that you should be aware of:

* One Retention Trip Per Day: To ensure the sustainability of the halibut population, charter operators are limited to one trip per day where halibut can be retained. (within size and bag limits, of course).

* Additional Catch & Release Trips: We understand that many anglers enjoy the thrill of the fight even if they're not keeping the fish. Therefore, on days when we have a retention trip scheduled, we may also offer additional catch and release halibut fishing trips. These trips will provide all the excitement of hooking into these incredible fish, but any halibut caught must be released back into the ocean unharmed.

* Tuesday: No Retention Day: Please note that Tuesday has been designated by NOAA Fisheries as a no retention day for halibut fishing. This means that no halibut can be kept on Tuesdays. We may still offer catch and release trips on Tuesdays, depending on demand.

3 hours
Group Size
Up to 12

Icy Strait Kayak Adventure

The reasons to Kayak with us are endless! A few reasons might be to experience unspoiled nature and stunning scenery amid a mountainous back drop! Or simply the serenity and peace that speaks to ones soul while gliding silently across the water in this majestic, remote location.

4 hours
Group Size
2 to 6

3 in 1 Chichagof Island Adventure: Fishing + Hiking + Bear Search

This tour is designed for cruise passengers that are looking for an Alaskan expereince that is off the beaten path, away from the masses!! We’ll depart from the port entrance and drive through the quaint yet vibrant Alaska Native Tlingit Village of Hoonah, then merge onto old logging roads that will take us to a remote river. During the ride and along the river it is not uncommon to spot wildlife- the island has more brown bears per square mile than almost anywhere else on the planet.

We’ll be fishing a wild “last frontier” type area with little signs of civilization. As we fish and hike along the river, you will be amazed by the landscapes that will surround us. ​Sheer Alaskan Wilderness in all her beauty! Depending on the time of year, we’ll fish for Salmon and/or Trout. You will have the choice between spin fishing (no prior experience required) or fly fishing (basic casting skills recommended).
Fishing near Icy Strait Point allows you to check an activity off manys bucket list while exploring the nature and wildlife of the beautiful Tongass National Forest. We may even have the chance to watch salmon spawn and pick wild berries!